SEQUOYAH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT FRIDAY, AUG. 13 - SATURDAY, AUG. 14, 2021 for more details click the following link,
over 3 years ago, Jesse Lewis
Reminder: Students that have received the Covid-19 vaccine are eligible for a $300 incentive stipend. Please turn in your vaccine cards by August 1, 2021. Students participating in extra-curricular events must have the exemption form or their vaccine card turned in by August 1, 2021 as well. Both forms will be sent to your emails this afternoon. Vaccine cards need to be sent to our school nurse at
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Brant
Student schedule pick up is scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 3-5th from 8am-3:30pm. Our academic counselors will be here to assist you during that time as well. Any incoming Freshman that missed entrance assessments will make those up on the first day of school, Thursday, August 12, 2021. PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASK IN OUR BUILDINGS!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Brant